Vison is ADAM's main goal for the future. Our VISION is to:
- Reduce the impact of anxiety disorders on the lives of ALL Manitobans.
Mission is how we get there. Our MISSION is to:
Offer self-help for all Manitobans affected by anxiety disorders,
Provide Cognitive Behavioural Programs (CBP), and ongoing peer support groups for adults for the prevention, education, early intervention and management of anxiety disorders adults, and
Provide public educational resources.
ADAM Staff
ADAM Staff
Scott McFadyen
Executive Director
Executive Director
Grant Warren
Public Education and Communications Coordinator
Public Education and Communications Coordinator
Lorraine Johnson
Program Coordinator
Program Coordinator
James Wigley
Outreach Worker - Swan River
Outreach Worker - Swan River
Tami Geisbrecht
Outreach Worker - Central
Outreach Worker - Central
Sherry MacVicar
Outreach Worker - Interlake
Outreach Worker - Interlake
Debbie Fisch
Outreach Worker - Westman
Outreach Worker - Westman
Charity Hudson
Outreach Worker, CFC Program Team Leader - Parkland
Outreach Worker, CFC Program Team Leader - Parkland
Amber Schaefer
Intake and Office Assistant
Intake and Office Assistant
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Dr. Jason Ediger
David Winning
Gary Henry
Board Members
Board Members