Vison is ADAM's main goal for the future. Our VISION is to:

  • Reduce the impact of anxiety disorders on the lives of ALL Manitobans.

Mission is how we get there. Our MISSION is to:

  • Offer self-help for all Manitobans affected by anxiety disorders,

  • Provide Cognitive Behavioural Programs (CBP), and ongoing peer support groups for adults for the prevention, education, early intervention and management of anxiety disorders adults, and

  • Provide public educational resources.


ADAM Staff

Scott McFadyen

Executive Director

Grant Warren

Public Education and Communications Coordinator

Lorraine Johnson

Program Coordinator

James Wigley

Outreach Worker - Swan River

Tami Geisbrecht

Outreach Worker - Central

Sherry MacVicar

Outreach Worker - Interlake

Debbie Fisch

Outreach Worker - Westman

Charity Hudson

Outreach Worker, CFC Program Team Leader - Parkland

Amber Schaefer

Intake and Office Assistant

Board of Directors

Dr. Jason Ediger


David Winning


Gary Henry


Board Members

Tasha Ellis

Zennon Lisakowski

Wesley Takeo-Konrad

Kendall McLean

Chloe Wolstencroft

Katelynn Pangborn

David Brown