The MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH CANADA (MHRC) is delighted to announce two new specialized studentships on the topic of workplace mental health.
Burnout rates, absenteeism and presenteeism all increased during the pandemic which not only lower productivity, but have a serious human cost. Workplaces are showing an increased awareness of mental health and continue to investigate how they can combat these challenges. As a result, MHRC and partners have created two funding opportunities for Canadian college and university students to address this critical area in mental health research. Deadline to apply is May 15, 2023.
Studentship Details:
The Gowling WLG Workplace Mental Health Studentship: Proudly named after one of MHRC’s partners, this award is available to a student in any province or territory on the topic of workplace mental health. A particularly desirable and high priority topic would be workplace mental health in the legal profession.

Thanks to ATB Financial, we are offering a studentship to support early career researchers in Alberta on the topic of workplace mental health. Applications related to the exploration of new interventions, studying existing interventions, and understanding more about how mental health has been impacted in the workplace are preferred.

Students must also meet the following eligibility criteria:
- Be a Canadian citizen and/or permanent resident
- Be enrolled in a masters, PhD or college program at an accredited Canadian institution with a background in psychology or a related discipline
- Be seeking to conduct a mental health research project starting in fall 2023 or winter 2024 in collaboration with both an academic supervisor and an eligible community partner (see the link below for details).
- Preference will be given to projects addressing workplace mental health, and to candidates pursuing a career path in mental health.
Applications deadline: May 15, 2023.
Get more details on the opportunity and how to apply by clicking this link.